Demographic Data

Primorje-Gorski Kotar County has a population of 296.195 and with a share of 6,9 % of population is fifth in size County in the Republic of Croatia (4.284,889 ) - after City of Zagreba (790.017), Split-Dalmatia County (454.798), Zagreb County (317,606) and Osijek-Baranja County (305.032).

City of Rijeka - Regional Capital of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County with a population of 128.624 is third in size City in the Republic of Croatia - after City of Zagreb (790.017) and City of Split (178.102).

The least populated City in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County is City of Cres with a population of 2.879, and the least populated Municipality is Brod Moravice with a population of 866.


Census graphicon

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