About the County

Primorje-Gorski Kotar County
(Source: 2007 Statistical Chronicle of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County
Croatian Chamber of Economy - Rijeka)
General Data
Total Population 296.195
Most populated - City of Rijeka 128.624
Least populated - Brod Moravice Municipality 880
Cities 14
Municipalities 22
Settlements 510
Language Croatian
Currency HRK
Area (km2) 3.588
Coast Length (km) 1.065
Largest islands - Cres and Krk (ha) 40.578
Smallest island - Boljkovac (Rab) (ha) 0.11
Highest mountain peak - Bjelolasica-Kula (m) 1.533
Highest settlement - Begovo Razdolje (m) 1.060
Share of the County in total revenue of the Republic of Croatia 5,3%
Exports (in million USD) 217
Imports (in million USD) 637
Structure of revenue based on economic branches
Trade 37,94%
Processing industry 18,47%
Transport, warehousing and communications 9,92%
Construction industry 7,99%
Hospitality and accomodation 7,06%
Expert, scientific and technical industry 6,01%
Real estate services 1,03%
Roads (km) 1.535
Railroads (km) 159,9
Airports 4
Ports 104
ispiši stranicu ispiši stranicu